Today is the National Day of Happiness. I love these superfluous little holidays, because they give us a reason to celebrate an otherwise ordinary day. (National Pie Day, anyone?!)
Every day should really be a practice in celebrating happiness (or pie). This whole blog has featured my happiness or lack thereof in some cases. I figured instead I’d focus today on some of the people who make me happy, and what makes them happy. It’s a full circle, it seems, as most of them cited spending time with loved ones as the thing that makes them happiest.
And so here you have it, the things that bring happiness to the people who bring me happiness:
“I’m happiest when I am contributing to a cause that matters to me, whatever it may be.” – Grace, the middle Dewey, teacher and wise soul
“Observing intellectual/educated policies and thought defeat anti-intellectualism and willful ignorance in pubic (sic) discourse. And, of course, puppies.” – Liz, the Cornell grad student
“Lots make me happy, like being with the people I love, good wine and traveling, but I’m most satisfied and truly happy when I’m growing in every aspect of my life and not being stagnant or complacent.” – Sarah, the publicist/event planner extraordinaire
“I get happy when I get a text message from a guy I hoped would text me. (Lame, but true.)” – Soco, social worker
“Happiness is waking up on a Saturday morning to a clear, crisp day knowing you can spend it with the ones you love, going to the beach or going on a bike ride.” – Emily, the Cal Poly student and always-happy little Dewey (We Deweys love our bike rides.)
“Knowing that I can brighten someone’s day by helping them makes me happy.” – Alexis, high school student (and future fashion designer!)
"Happiness, for me, is walking my dog. That, and doing something for somebody else." -- Stacey, TV superstar
“When doctors write prescriptions of Feriva and also when pharmacies stock it!” – Katie, pharmaceutical sales rep and my adventure partner
"Seeing my son's eyes light up when I enter the room makes me happy."-- Bev, amazing mom of my favorite little boy
“Happiness is when I’m surrounded by people I love. That’s it.” – Kate, fashion designer
“Helping people.” – Jess, occupational therapist
“A table of my favorite people with dinner and wine.” –Mandy, UCLA public policy grad student/talented private cook
I love this... I love the idea of asking your favorite people about their favorite things. So good.